Queen of Simla (FR)

breed Thoroughbred
color / sex / birth date br. f ., 1935
breeder France
Sire line Blandford
foaling reference Фр.
Owner France
Blenheim II (GB)
Great Britain
br., 1927
Blandford (GB)
br., 1919
Swynford (GB)
d.-bay, 1907
Blanche (GB)
bay, 1912
Malva (GB)
bay, 1919
Charles o'Malley (GB)
d.-bay, 1907
Wild Arum (GB)
bay, 1911
Queen of Scots (FR)
br., 1930
Dark Legend (GB)
d.-bay, 1914
Dark Ronald (GB)
bay, 1905
Golden Legend (GB)
bay, 1907