Tell Meno Lies (USA)

breed Thoroughbred
color / sex / birth date f ., 1971
breeder USA
Sire line Blandford
foaling reference Ам
Owner USA
The Axe II (USA)
grey, 1958
Mahmoud (FR)
grey, 1933
Blenheim II (GB)
br., 1927
Mah Mahal (GB)
grey, 1928
Blackball (USA)
d.-bay, 1950
Shut Out (USA)
chestnut, 1939
Big Event (USA)
bay, 1938
Filatonga (USA)
bay, 1960
Count of Honor (USA)
br., 1953
Count Fleet (USA)
br., 1940
Honor Bound (USA)
d.-bay, 1945