Full Sail (GB)

breed Thoroughbred
color / sex / birth date bay c ., 1934
breeder Great Britain
Sire line Fairway
foaling reference Ан 28
Owner Great Britain
Fairway (GB)
Great Britain
bay, 1925
Phalaris (GB)
br., 1913
Polymelus (GB)
bay, 1902
Bromus (GB)
bay, 1905
Scapa Flow (GB)
chestnut, 1914
Chaucer (GB)
br., 1900
Anchora (GB)
chestnut, 1905
Fancy Free (GB)
Great Britain
bay, 1924
Stefan the Great (GB)
grey, 1916
The Tetrarch
grey, 1911

Celiba (GB)
bay, 1916
Bachelor's Double
chestnut, 1906